Is someone you love at risk of Respiratory Compromise?
Help us solve Respiratory Compromise
Respiratory Compromise is among the most common avoidable patient safety issues in the United States.
What is Respiratory Compromise?
Respiratory Compromise is a potentially life-threatening state of unstable respiratory health that can lead to respiratory failure or death, but in which specific interventions (enhanced monitoring and/or therapies) might prevent or mitigate decompensation.
$7.8 Billion
The amount spent on Respiratory Compromise in U.S. hospitals in 2007, and cost are growing,
according to the DHHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
The Second Leading Avoidable Patient Safety Issue in the U.S.
It occurs in medical facilities, including in operating rooms, post-anesthesia care units, general care floors, and outpatient care facilities. It can occur following a medical procedure that requires sedation.
About Respiratory Compromise Institute
The Respiratory Compromise Institute is an alliance of professional medical societies and interested healthcare providers that seeks to educate the healthcare community and the public about Respiratory Compromise.